Wicked Social Media

Meet Me

Wickedest Welcome to Everyone!
I’m so happy you’re here and you are interested in me.

I am talking to people day in and day out about Social Media and realised that small business owners, entrepreneurs or business start ups do not see or overwhelmed with the different ways they you can capitalize social media to grow their businesses. If you are in these shoes, you are on the right page.
I am here to help you in your journey. 

I will show you how to use social media, how to automate the process, how to generate a multiple income stream using this relatively new but already well established way of marketing.

The Beginning

My name is Georgina Lanyi and if you ever hear me speak you will realise that I have an accent :) Before you ask, I am from a small country in middle Europe called Hungary. I was born in a small city called Eger and spent my childhood in an even smaller (or shall I call tiny) village with my 3 sisters and my little brother 130 km away from Budapest.
Me at 5 years old
After attending the local primary school I studied economics at one of the most highly ranked high-schools in the country. Later on, I was accepted to the West Hungarian University to earn my Masters Degree in Finance and Economics studies. Right after graduation I was hired by the one of the leading European Banks GE Money as mortgage and credit sales controller and I spent 4 long years there doing the usual 9-5 chores.

The Start

2009 was literally a life changing year for me. I had been invited to the UK to take part in a finance exhibition when I met my partner and the love of my life, Balazs.
We have been together since and I enjoy every minute I spend with him.  He has inspired me and literally persuaded me to leave my job and becomes an entrepreneur in my own right. It was a hard decision to make jumping in at the deep end right away. Luckily I have received help from him along the way.

First step in my journey was in property investing as that is one of the best paths to follow to be financially independent. I started to learn how to buy properties for £1 (yes it is possible just send me an email for more information) and found the best people to learn from are we are now good friends, John Lee and Vincent Wong at Wealth Dragons. I did their course a little over a year ago and started to implement their amazing strategies right away. I was using different marketing methods to find motivated property sellers, property investors, estate agents and built up my contact base or client list if you are using different online and offline marketing methods.

Later on I developed a product for real estate investors called ‘Property Lead Generation System’. As a direct result of these few months spent on creating an exciting product, I started pursuing my Internet marketing career. I have always kept a very close eye on the Internet and especially Social Marketing sites such as Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn, just to name a few.

In a short few weeks I had figured out that Social Media is the most effective way to build niche specific and targeted lists, to market to different groups, to connect with people interested in exactly the same topics as myself and finally to do business with them online. 

At the beginning I did everything myself and as a result I suddenly got hundreds of contacts and we have all become great friends. I have started to use different features on social media sites, different ways to interact with people and I have learned every little trick so I can use these sites more efficiently.

I am proud to take on new challenges and I bravely try new innovations in the social media world. So if you follow me on my path, you will get to know the latest and greatest of the social media world, the newest tricks and tips to increase your sales, revenue, fan base.

What I don’t want?

But there is one thing I never wanted to do: sitting in front of my computer all day long, adding friends and tweeting marketing posts continuously. 

That takes away all the enjoyment of social media and becomes a burden that you all day long (if you want to be successful and take your business to the next level). So I have developed a system allowing me to be on Facebook only when I want to enjoy the experience and even if I decide to walk away from the buzz of Social Media for a few weeks, my business, contact list and revenue still grows and eventually I can make money on Facebook completely Autopilot!

My Goal

My goal is to teach you how you can be financially free, how you can do the same as what I did and how you can use social media networks to make money absolutely autopilot. Help you to think differently and make real money without working long hours a day! Help you to be an entrepreneur, a well functioning online business owner. 

My intention is to give away loads of content for free, why? 

Because the goal is to show you free and really cool ways, how you can use social media in your local business, being it a restaurant, a corner shop or anything really!

Became an International Speaker
I love speaking although I was extremely shy as a child and feared public speaking in school but in my high school I took acting classes. I joined the drama class and learned how I can think quickly and clearly. I learned to be confident in speaking. I have reduced my fear, nervousness and in 2010 I became an international speaker.  I have got many invitations from all over the world to teach people how they can profit on Facebook.  How they can use the world’s biggest social media sites for free to grow their businesses.

Speaking in KL, Malaysia

Today it’s so important for people to use these very powerful platforms to make their business more effective. There are over 500 million people using some sort of social media services daily being it Facebook or Twitter and this number will significantly increase in the next couple of years. This is the biggest online marketplace with the highest number of customers and something you cannot just simply look over.  You must know the right ways to use social media for your business.
First you need to build a strong relationship with your customer group and then make deal and do business. Social Media can help you to make connections free and very efficiently and simply it is the best way to create relationships with your contact base.

Everything I do is about friendship, building a good relationship with my contacts and helping other people succeed online.

This is what Social Media is all about!

You can trust me to keep you informed of new strategies and techniques to help you become more successful business owner.

I look forward to meeting you soon. Feel free to Contact Me and I am more than happy to help you on your journey.  Also, please join my Fan Page if you haven’t done already.

Wickedest Regards,

P.S. – Make sure you join my Wicked Social Media Facebook page too if you haven’t already!